07 July 2024
Green Power- Silicon-Carbide (SiC) Schottky Barrier Diodes
Silicon Carbide (SiC) Schottky Barrier Diodes 曾經的“中流砥柱”Si 功率元件已日趨面臨其發展的材料極限,難以滿足當今社會發展對於 高頻、 高溫、高功率、高能效、耐惡劣環境以及輕便小型化的新需求。 以 SiC 為代表的第三代半導體材料憑藉其優異屬性,將成為突破口,正在迅速崛起。
30 June 2024
650V 合封IGBT 與SiC二極體
近年來,在全球「無碳社會」和「碳中和」等環保風潮中,電動車(xEV)得以日益普及。為了進一步提高系統效率,各種車電裝置的逆變器,以及轉換器電路中使用的功率半導體等,也出現了多樣化需求,超低損耗的SiC功率元件(SiC MOSFET、SiC SBD等),和傳統的Si功率元件(IGBT、SJ-MOSFET等)也都正持續大幅度的技術革新。 「FWSC85N65HBE」是Hybrid型IGBT產品,在IGBT的回流單元(飛輪二極體)中採用了Futurewafer的低損耗SiC蕭特基二極體(SiC SBD),成功降低了傳統IGBT產品導通時的切換損耗。
16 May 2024
Latch-up considerations in High-speed interfaces-ESD protector
FutureWafer’s FSE838 series of ESD protection devices utilizes a deep snap back, SCR type structure. By using this technology, the potential for a latch up condition was taken into account and the below recommendations to design a latch up free device were implemented. The main parts in the series that service the three main interfaces discussed above, shown in Table 1, were designed with parameters to guarantee latch up free designs in USB 3.X/2.0 and HDMI 1.4/1.3 interfaces respectively.System level ESD testing was performed on all devices to verify that no latch up conditions occurred.
05 May 2024
PSE surge protector Negative clamp TVS –NVCS
Futurewafer's NVCS TVS series Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes feature avalanche and fast recovery characteristics. The clamping ratio between breakdown voltage and maximum clamping voltage is very low. This low clamping ratio provides lower clamping voltage at higher peak pulse currents compared to traditional TVS, allowing designers to use capacitors.
The operating voltage is low, and the switching components include polarity protection diodes, load switch MOSFETs, Voltage stabilizing IC etc.
In addition, NVCS TVS have a very stable breakdown voltage over a wide operating range of - 55 -°C to + 150 -°C. stable.
NVCS TVS operating characteristics enable POE and industry standard testing and rigorous operation of circuit network power state.
This article explains NVCS TVS, describes its advantages over traditional TVS, and outlines typical applications.Futurewafer has released four IDEAL voltage-resistant 58-V high-power TVS including 2-KW, 3-KW, 5-KW and 7-KW.
05 April 2023
NE555 Timer
The NE/SE 555 monolithic timing circuit is a highly stable controller capable of producing accurate time delays, or oscillation. Additional terminals are provided for triggering or resetting if desired. In the time delay mode of operation, the lime is precisely controlled by one external resistor and capacitor. For a stable operation as an oscillator, the free running frequency and the duty cycle are both accurately controlled with two external resistors and one capacitor. The circuit may be triggered and reset on falling waveforms, and the output structure can source or sink up to 200mA or drive TTL circuits.
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