Lan Isolator

Futurewafer FTL LAN isolator

The Futurewafer FTL is a LAN isolator manufactured by a fully automated production process. Its innovative coil winding technique reduces the electrical variation and increases their reliability, while improving performance over a wide frequency range.

FTL Series offers as well the for POE applications up to 600-mA to extend the application areas for our customers. LAN transformers and RJ-45 connectors suitable for different speeds and PoE current ratings can also be found in the further LAN product families.

The growing use of Ethernet in various information technology (IT) systems As everyone knows. Ethernet enables companies to take advantage of increased bandwidth capabilities to support future networking and real-time data sharing needs.

This has led to increasing integration Ethernet-based transformers in connected communication applications are mainly used for isolation and signal conditioning. The high reliability required of communication systems may be threatened by coupling signals from devices with different power specifications. If there is a fault
running on one device, it may spread to other connected devices, damaging the overall performance and reliability of the network.
Component suppliers are also responsible for meeting ongoing IT equipment manufacturability requirements
trends include miniaturization, higher manufacturing yields and stringent product quality index. Therefore, all components within the system help to facilitate a higher level of automated production.
Futurewafer will introduce a new on-chip LAN isolator module solution for Ethernet-based IT, using technological advances in smaller form factors factor solutions may have a consistent feature set while also providing a high quality signal regulatory performance of equipment designed for fully automated production.

Advantages gained from new LAN isolator module

Production automation and feature consistency are becoming more important requirements in  light of the growing trend of transferring ever-larger amounts of data at ultra-fast transmission  rates. Based on their ability to be produced using fully-automatic manufacturing that contributes  to higher device uniformity and improved reliability, newly available LAN isolator module (T1, T2) can be an optimal solution.


>> 100 % automated production
>> Ethernet with speeds up to 10-Gbit/s
>> Low profile height of 4.2-mm
>> Improved return loss and crosstalk properties
>> Improved solderability and AOI inspection due to half-vias with gold plating
>> Compatible with existing LAN products

>> Suitable for industrial temperatures from –40-°C up to +85-°C
>> Compatible to industrial Ethernet systems like EtherCAT or Profinet
>> Compliant with most IC’s for Ethernet applications 
>> Hubs, routers, switches, IP cameras, IoT applications

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