The SMB3KJ58CA device is ideally suited to protect I/O VCC buses and other vulnerable circuits used in network communications devices, business machines, power supplies and other consumer applications.The PSE controller block includes an EMI filter, which is normally required to meet conducted emissions requirements. This filter typically employs ferrite beads or a common-mode choke, which can help to lessen the amount of surge current flowing back to the converter. The PSE controller block is also shown to include a 58-V TVS that is typically placed across the port to protect against hot-plug transients and ESD events. This TVS device will also contribute to the protection of the PSE controller during a lightning surge.
● High density technology H.D.T
● ESD protection : Level 4
● Low clamping voltage
● 3000-Watts peak pulse power per line (tp = 10/1000uS)
● Low clamping voltage
● Excellent surge capability makes it ideal for protecting sensitive devices against transient over voltages Optimizes the use of circuit board space. Also, due to its small size, it is good for designing into portable devices/hard drives,notebooks, VCC busses, POS terminals, SSDs, power supplies, monitors and other consumer applications
● The SMB3KJ58CA device is ideally suited to protect I/O VCC buses and other vulnerable circuits used in network communications devices, business machines, power supplies and other consumer applications.The PSE controller block includes an EMI filter, which is normally required to meet conducted emissions requirements. This filter typically employs ferrite beads or a common-mode choke, which can help to lessen the amount of surge current flowing back to the converter. The PSE controller block is also shown to include a 58-V TVS that is typically placed across the port to protect against hot-plug transients and ESD events. This TVS device will also contribute to the protection of the PSE controller during a lightning surge.